Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spinoza: Tranquility

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 23:18:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: ethel jean saltz
Subject: Re: Digest Number 327

I'm not Gary, of course, but it would be helpful for
the group if you would cite a particular usage by
Spinoza of the word "tranquility" and tell us how you
interpret it. Especially interesting in using more
than English versions to talk to each other and
understand each other.

It's effecting my whole life now, the use of words
that are translated into many languages, like the
Bible. Especially now that I have had my DNA
analyzed by National Geographic and I find there is
such a thing as an Ashkenazi Jew. I am one in my
blood line. Guess that makes me a tranquil racist?
Guess Spinoza would be delighted with all this brand
new knowledge. Guess he would have tranquilly asked
back in 1600, asked his fellow Christian scholars, now
we can test God's DNA, even find out if he's male or
female :) Remember Spinoza was only 400 years ago.
Look at how the universal human knowledge base has
expanded since then. It's really all quantum theory

Remember also, the Baruch/Benedictus means "blessed"
and so this is one more quantum that points to Ego in
Spinoza. When he delights in the word "blessed",
isn't it self-promotion? With his Jewish education,
he learned how to use a word the way the standup
comedians do today.